Scientific publications

You will find in this page the scientific publications related to the project:

Conference: GIECS 2024, September 24-25, 2024
Publication title: Approaching interoperability and data-related processing issues in a Human-centric industrial scenario
Authors: Danish Abbas Syed, Walter Quadrini, Nima Rahmani Choubeh, Marta Pinzone
Link to the pre-proceedings version of the paper:
Coming soon

Conference: 2024 EuCNC/6G Summit, June 3-6, 2024
Publication title: Towards Intent-based Network Management for the 6G System adopting Multimodal Generative AI
Authors: imitrios Brodimas, Kostis Trantzas, Besiana Agko, Georgios Christos Tziavas, Christos Tranoris, Spyros Denazis, Alexios Birbas
Link to the open access version of the paper:

Conference: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), May 20-23, 2024
Publication title: Larger-scale Nakamoto-style blockchains don’t necessarily offer better security
Authors: Jannik Albrecht, Sebastien Andreina, Frederik Armknecht, Ghassan Karame, Giorgia Marson, Julian Willingmann
Link to the pre-proceedings version of the paper:
Coming soon

Journal: Neural Computing and Applications, January 13, 2024
Publication title: Efficient CNN-based low-resolution facial detection from UAVs
Authors: Julio Diez-Tomillo, Ignacio Martinez-Alpiste, Gelayol Golcarenarenji, Qi Wang & Jose M. Alcaraz-Calero
Link to open access version of the paper:

Conference: 2023 Workshop on Virtual Machines and Language Implementations (VMIL 2023), October 22-27, 2023
Publication title: Beehive SPIR-V Toolkit: A Composable and Functional API for Runtime SPIR-V Code Generation
Authors: Juan Fumero, Gyorgy Rethy, Athanasios Stratikopoulos, Nikos Foutris, Christos Kotselidis
Link to the pre-proceedings version of the paper:

Conference: 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR ’23), October 22-27, 2023
Publication title: Unified Shared Memory: Friend or Foe? Understanding the Implications of Unified Memory on Managed Heaps
Authors: Juan Fumero, Florin Blanaru, Athanasios Stratikopoulos, Steve Dohrmann, Sandya Viswanathan, Christos Kotselidis
Link to the pre-proceedings version of the paper:

Conference: 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR ’23), October 22-27, 2023
Publication title: A Multifaceted Memory Analysis of Java Benchmarks
Authors: Orion Papadakis, Andreas Andronikakis, Nikos Foutris, Michail Papadimitriou, Athanasios Stratikopoulos, Foivos Zakkak, Polychronis Xekalakis, Christos Kotselidis
Link to the pre-proceedings version of the paper:

Conference: 2023 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), September 21-23, 2023
Publication title: Empirical Comparison of Face Verification Algorithms from UAVs
Authors: Julio Diez-Tomillo, Jose M. Alcaraz-Calero & Qi Wang
Link to the paper:

Conference: The 2023 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM 2023), June 18, 2023
Publication title: Scaling Up Performance of Managed Applications on NUMA Systems
Authors: Orion Papadakis, Andreas Andronikakis, Nikos Foutris, Michail Papadimitriou, Athanasios Stratikopoulos, Foivos Zakkak, Polychronis Xekalakis, Christos Kotselidis
Link to the pre-proceedings version of the paper:

Conference: 4th Symposium on Circular Economy and Sustainability, June 2023
Publication title: The INCODE (intelligent collaborative deployments) European project: logistics and transport quality value chain application area
Authors: Panagiotis Zikos, Stahtis Vlachos, Despina Tomkou, George Tsironis
Link to the pre-proceedings version of the paper:
Coming soon

Conference: 27th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, May 01-05, 2023
Publication title: Short Paper: Estimating Patch Propagation Times across Blockchain Forks
Authors: Sebastien Andreina (NEC Labs Europe); Lorenzo Alluminio (Clearmatics); Giorgia Azzurra Marson (NEC Labs Europe); Ghassan Karame (Ruhr University Bochum)
Link to the pre-proceedings version of the paper:

Conference: 7th International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (‹Programming› ’23), March 13-17, 2023
Publication title: Cross-Language Interoperability of Heterogeneous Code
Authors: Athanasios Stratikopoulos, Florin Blanaru, Juan Fumero, Maria Xekalaki, Orion Papadakis, Christos Kotselidis
Link to the pre-proceedings version of the paper: